My Dear Sister


About the Book

Winner of the Harvey B. and Susan Easton Black Outstanding Publication Award (Gospel Scholarship in Church History and Doctrine). Seven decades of correspondence help demonstrate the tremendous devotion between Joseph F. and Martha Ann, the orphaned children of Hyrum and Mary Fielding Smith, as they share their innermost feelings, joys, heartaches, determinations, and family happenings. The letters range from 1854, when Joseph F. was a fifteen-year-old missionary in Hawaii, to 1916, when he was President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is a masterful collection of letters, history, and biography—all rolled into one. The editors have left no stone unturned, scouring archives and personal collections, creating decade introductions, and sharing historical context to breathe life into their stories. A biographical register helps readers to sort out people and time periods. This book contains transcripts of all the associated letters and is richly complemented by images of people and events representing the lives of Joseph F. and Martha Ann.

ISBN 978-0-8425-2848-1

Published in 2018

Welcome to the MASH website

Martha Ann Smith Harris, daughter of Hyrum Smith and Mary Fielding Smith was the wife of William Jasper Harris. This web site is dedicated to their memory and will serve as a reference and communication tool for all of their descendants.